Invitation to a product presentation — patient signalling system and assault alarm


07.03.2018 09:23 (GMT+01:00)


Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Magne André Karlsen Magne André Karlsen
Postboks 40
9811 Vadsø

Short description

ByggHaugesund2020 would ilke to invite suppliers of patient signalling systems and assault alarms to a product presentation.

A patient signalling system and assault alarm shall be procured for a new hospital building that is being constructed for Haugesund Hospital. As a preparation for the procurement, we would like suppliers to give a presentation of their systems, the possibilities that the systems can give and the functionality for users.

The equipment is planned to be established in several floors of the new building. Further information on the development can be found here:

Suppliers who would like to register must be able to deliver both a patient signalling system and an assault alarm.

Date: Wednesday 11 April (the time will be announced after the registration deadline).

Registration deadline: 23.3.2018 (register via the communication module in Mercell).

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