Prior information notice for the procurement of an AutoPASS operator system; Business system/ERP/OBO for the collection of toll money in Norway


16.02.2018 09:19 (GMT+01:00)


Statens vegvesen Statens vegvesen
Gro Austad Gro Austad
Postboks 8142 Dep
0033 Oslo
971 032 081

Short description

The intention of this notice is to send out the provisional tender documentation for the procurement of an AutoPASS operator system for a hearing in the market. Potential tenderers are invited to submit input on the tender documentation in such a way that the quality of the tender documentation is optimised.

The final tender notice for the procurement is expected to be published at the beginning of March 2018 (tentatively 5.3.2018). See the attached documents for further information.

The deadline for submitting feedback on the hearing is Monday 26.2.2018, 10:00.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration would like, as a procurer business systems for toll money collection, to facilitate a well-functioning market. From 2016 — 2019 the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, together with the regional toll money companies, will make a series of procurements, which shall replace the current central system. After a completed and approved concept phase, the project is now in the planning phase of the procurement of a business system for the regional toll money companies (AutoPASS operator systems).

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