Utlendingsdirektoratet - UDI 974760746 Hausmannsgate 21 Oslo 0182 Thor Lund +47 40707284 stlu@udi.no https://permalink.mercell.com/71189593.aspx http://www.udi.no/ Management of special residential and welfare reception centres for asylum seekers 17/04542 The special residential and welfare system is a residential and welfare offer for residents who cannot be taken care of in an ordinary state reception centre, a reception centre with a facilitated department or a reception centre for single underage asylum seekers, due to threats and / or violent behaviour. As a rule, this applies to residents who are considered by UDI to be a threat to their surroundings. Others can also be offered a place in extraordinary circumstances, but the residents will always be persons who come under the Aliens Act § 95 1st section one. The target group will mainly be adults. Single underage persons under 18 can, in some special cases, be given a place. The Contracting Authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service. To express your interest and gain access to any documents, please click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser: — https://permalink.mercell.com/80089683.aspx — follow the instructions on the web page. UDI would like to enter into a contract for a residential and welfare offer for asylum seekers with threatening and/or violent behaviour (special residential and welfare system). The special residential and welfare system is a residential and welfare offer for residents who cannot be taken care of in an ordinary state reception centre, a reception centre with a facilitated department or a reception centre for single underage asylum seekers, due to threats and / or violent behaviour. As a rule, this applies to residents who are considered by UDI to be a threat to their surroundings. The main aim of a stay in the special residential and welfare system is to stabilise the person and prevent new uninhibited/violent behaviour, through, amongst other things, other applied environmental therapeutic principles. In many cases, the aim will also be to ensure that the person is followed-up and/or examined by the health service. The stay is to end when the resident is able to use UDI´s ordinary reception centre offer, or an offer at a reception centre with a facilitated department, or is settled in a municipality or returned to their home country. UDI will decide when the stay at the special residential and welfare centre is to end for each individual person. The service comprises 23 places, of which 15 are permanent places and 8 are unit price places. In addition, there will be an option for a further 5 permanent places. The management contract shall be valid for three years, with an option for two times one year (3+1+1). Management of special residential and welfare reception centres for asylum seekers UDI, Regionkontor Vest Kaigatan 5 Bergen 5015 2018-01-31
See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:050055-2018:TEXT:EN:HTML