Engineering design management in project 100429 HOS P6346 UVB


Offenes Verfahren
24.01.2018 09:18 (GMT+01:00)
23.02.2018 14:00


Forsvarsbygg Forsvarsbygg
Thomas Ogne Thomas Ogne
6 Divisjonsgate 12
9406 Harstad

Closing date has passed.

Short description

In the Norwegian Parliament´s discussion of Recommendation 62 S (2016 til 2017) for Proposal 151 S, the decision was made that Norway shall procure new submarines. The assignment for procuring the new submarines was given to the Norwegian Defence on 26.6.2017. Parallel to this, on 4.7.2017, the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency was given the task of preparing a preliminary project for carrying out an EBA. The assignment is based on the needs presented in the report prepared by the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency 'P6346 Submarine fleet 2020 – a study of consequences for buildings and infrastructure' dated 1.2015. The assignment was later revised by the Ministry of Defence, dated 5.12.2017.

The assignment has now been split into 3 assignments comprising:

— maintenance facilities at Haakonsvern,

— other measures at Haakonsvern,

— ramsund.

Based on this, the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency would like tenders for Engineering Design Management (PRL).

See the attached tender documentation for further information.

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