RFI-Service and IT Asset Management for Sporveien.


18.03.2017 09:24 (GMT+01:00)


Sporveien Oslo AS Sporveien Oslo AS
Heidi Omberg Heidi Omberg
Økernveien 9
0608 Oslo
915 070 434

Short description

The objective of this RFI (Request for Information) is to map if there are service providers in the market with relevant competence (consultancy service) for the Service and IT Asset Management, and with available resources/capacity from and including June 2017. The contract includes the following competence areas:

1) Process competence, 2) Technical system competence, 3) Competence related to documentation of systems and processes, as well as 4) Training competence

See further description of Sporveien's requirements on the procurement portal: https://anbud.sporveien.com/sporveien/. The tender contest will be implemented through requests to relevant tenderers, i.a. based on answers to this RFI (the total value is below the threshold value of 3 500 000 ΝΟΚ). Sporveien has not yet decided if a contract shall be entered into with only 1 or several service providers for each of the competence areas. Collaboration between sub-providers and/or joint venture companies can be allowed.

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