Transq Qualification System | Yearly notification of qualification system for Nordic rail, transport and postal companies (works).


26.01.2017 09:39 (GMT+01:00)


TransQ Qualification, Achillevs Information AB (Sweden) on behalf of the Transport and Post utilities listed in Section VI TransQ Qualification, Achillevs Information AB (Sweden) on behalf of the Transport and Post utilities listed in Section VI
TransQ Qualification
PO Box 1817 Stoa
4858 Arendal

Short description

Leading Scandinavian transport and postal utilities covering postal services, railway infrastructure as well as transportation activities use TransQ Qualification System. (See section VI ‘Additional Information’ for complete list of participating utilities). TransQ is run and managed on behalf of the subscribing companies by Achillevs Information AB.

The qualification process may consist of several stages where the initial qualification stage (Stage 1) is common for all subscribing transport and postal utilities, while more qualification stages may be added by the individual utilities if more information is considered necessary to establish relevant bidder lists.

The subscribing transport utilities will use the scheme for requirements subject to EU procurement rules but reserve the right to place individual notices for specific requirements where they deem it necessary. See for more information.

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