ICT research, analysis and consultancy services.


Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
17.01.2017 09:34 (GMT+01:00)


Universitetet i Bergen Universitetet i Bergen
Erik Vikanes-hansen Erik Vikanes-Hansen
Pb 7800
5020 Bergen
874 789 542

Assignment text

Universitetet i Bergen 874 789 542 Pb 7800 Bergen 5020 Erik Vikanes-Hansen +47 55584234 Erik.Vikanes-Hansen@uib.no http://www.uib.no ICT research, analysis and consultancy services. ANSK-2650-17 UiB would like to join up with a supplier-independent cooperation partner within research, analysis and consultancy services. Tenderers shall cover all aspects of the IT industry. This includes: Consultancy services for final user organisations based on interviews, analyses and daily contact with other, equivalent organisations. Monitoring of all participants (the suppliers) in various technology markets by, amongst other things, ranking providers in a given market, assessment of the providers' own development based on proven methodologies. Monitoring technology trends for use, analyses of the impact technology can have in various parts of society, analyses of the various phases a technology undergoes from conception to commercial availability in the market and in daily use in organisations. Monitoring the market with market analyses that include statistics on market shares, forecasts and market trends. The analyses must be both qualitative and quantitative in nature. 1920000.00 Bergen. The tenderer shall provide: Proven analytical models on technology development, maturity and circulation. Proven analytical models on ranking and positioning of providers in various markets and technology areas. Well defined and recognised research processes. Methods shall be based on recognised and well defined methods with a basis in best practice. Tenderers must be able to offer: A portal with relevant content based on research and analyses. Analyses, methods and tools that address problems in the ICT field. Free access to analysts. Free access to analyses, methodologies, templates and tools. Analyses on both a strategic level and as concrete tactical consultancy for implementation. Consultancy services in close connection to and based on access to the same research and analysis material that is offered through the member services. A broad selection of trade conferences, seminars and symposia. The contract is for 1 year with an option to extend it for 3x1 years. A total contract period of 4 years. After an assessment of the market we have concluded that there is only 1 supplier in the market who can provide this service. Gartner providers services within supplier-independent ICT research, ICT strategic advice and supplier-independent technical assistance. We are of the opinion that there are no other suppliers in Norway, Scandinavia or in Europe in this market. ANSK-2650-17 1/4 ANSK-2650-17 ICT research, analysis and consultancy services. Contract 1/4. 2017-01-11 Gartner Norge AS 951456306 Henrik Ibsensgt. 100 Oslo 0202 1920000.00 Universitetet i Bergen Bergen 2017-01-12

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:017095-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML

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