Non-emergency patient transport.


Offenes Verfahren
23.09.2016 10:10 (GMT+02:00)
04.11.2016 12:00


Helse Vest Innkjøp HF Helse Vest Innkjøp HF
Bernt Stian VIk Bernt Stian Vik
Postboks 2334
5867 Bergen

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The contracting authority wishes tender on the delivery of non-emergency patient transport to Helse Stavanger HF. The purpose of the contracts is to cover Helse Stavanger's need for patient transport on a non-emergency basis.

The Norwegian health trusts (HF) are not only responsible for transport of patients within the special health services, such as hospitals, but also the primary health services, such as general practitioners, physical therapists and others.

The contracting authority will enter into parallel framework agreements with as many suppliers as needed with the individual part of the tender competition. The contracting authority will enter into at least three parallel framework agreements, per part, provided that the contracting authority receives sufficient valid tenders.

The contracts will be entered by priority. The suppliers which after the assessment of the tenders are ranked as number 1, get first priority. The supplier ranked as number two, only gets to perform trips if the supplier ranked as number 1 cannot deliver. The supplier ranked as number three will only be awarded trips if the first 2 suppliers cannot deliver.

The starting point of the trip is deciding for which contract and which part tender that is to be awarded the trip.

For further information see the attached tender document and in particular the technical specification.

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