Framework agreement for services electrotechnical systems in MOVE og MONO (location Finnmark).


Offenes Verfahren
14.02.2014 04:40 (GMT+01:00)
25.03.2014 09:00
17.03.2014 12:00


Forsvarsbygg Innkjøpstjenester Forsvarsbygg Innkjøpstjenester
Bjarne Ryvoll
6. divisjonsgate 12
9406 Harstad

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The purpose of the framework agreement is to cover Forsvarsbygg's rental in MO Vest and MO Nord (locations in Finnmark) requirements for:

— Services in connection with the operation, maintenance and new procurements of electrical systems in the named areas.

— Electrical material in connection with executed services on the electrical systems.

— Internal control.

— Thermophotography.

Need for services will normally comprise all designing in connection with carrying out the assignments.

The procurement of framework agreements is divided into several competitive areas.It is possible to give one or several separate tenders for the specified professional and geographical competitive areas, respectively MO Vest Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, Mo Vest Agder and Rogaland, MO Nord with locations in Finnmark.

The contract owner for the framework agreement concept will be Forsvarsbygg's rental at MOVE and MONO and administration of the agreement will occur via rental at MOVE and MONO, and administration of the agreement will occur via rental with purchasing.

All departments of Forsvarsbygg can otherwise use the agreement within given geographical areas.

The framework agreement can also be used by the entire Forsvaret, i.e.each department that enters into or is subject to The royal defence department, and which manages and operates it's own building stock in the given geographical areas.

The contract owner for the framework agreement concept will be Forsvarsbygg's rental at MOVE and MONO and administration of the agreement will occur via rental with purchasing.

All departments of Forsvarsbygg can use the agreement within given geographical areas.

The framework agreement can also be used by the entire Forsvaret, i.e.each department that enters into or is subject to Det kongelige forsvarsvardepartement (The royal defence department), and which manages and operates it's own building stock in the given geographical areas.

The contracting authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service.To express your interest, and gain access to any documents, please click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser.[[http://permalink/43136538.aspx]].Then follow the instructions on the website.

The procurement of framework agreements is divided into several competitive areas.It is possible to give one or several separate tenders for professional and geographical given competitive areas as specified in the table below.

Tenderers who are awarded framework agreements for individual competitive areas will have exclusivity to future deliveries of services within each competitive area, in other words only one agreement will be awarded within each area, also note that no parallel framework agreements will be entered into.

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