Real-time public information system


15.01.2014 15:51 (GMT+01:00)
10.02.2014 12:00 (GMT+01:00)


Jernbaneverket971 033 533 Jernbaneverket971 033 533
Jonny Kvistad Jonny Kvistad
Stortorvet 7
0155 Oslo

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Jernbaneverket is the national railway authority and the Norwegian government’s

agency for railway services. Jernbaneverket’s customers are passengers, cargo

forwarders, train operator companies - and any third parties affected by its

operation. Traffic Operations and Customer Services is a section in

Jernbaneverket responsible for providing customers with train traffic information.

In order to enhance customer satisfaction, Jernbaneverket is to acquire a new

information system solution, fully functional and ready-to-use, relaying relevant

information in modern, customer-preferred information channels.

Jernbaneverket’s train information officers will operate the solution trough a GUI.

The solution will include automated visual and audible train announcing, rule-

based announcement logics, a synthesized voice (TTS) engine for PA-

announcements, monitor / display drivers and management of these. An

exclusive Jernbaneverket TTS-voice will represent a company trademark.

Proper integration with Jernbaneverket systems and technical infrastructure will

be important. The solution will utilize long term (static) as well as short term

(dynamic) route plans as a basis for train traffic information distribution. Dynamic

train positions from signal systems (CTC), on-board GPS equipment and manual

train position input from traffic management will provide position data.

A real-time arrival and departure time prognosis engine will be included. The

solution will offer API’s and data exchange interfaces towards other systems – in

compliance with Jernbaneverket‘s standards.

To receive more information about this tender, including any amendments and/or clarifications and to request any clarifications and/or to respond to this tender, you must register your interest to this tender on the following site: [[]]

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