Cleaning Services for Educational and Office Premises in Vilnius


16.12.2024 12:04 (GMT+01:00)
19.12.2024 17:00 (GMT+01:00)


Viešosios įstaigos "Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas" filialas BEROC-IPM Ekonomikos ir verslo mokykla Viešosios įstaigos "Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas" filialas BEROC-IPM Ekonomikos ir verslo mokykla
Maryia Dubavitskaya Maryia Dubavitskaya
Vilniaus g. 31
LT-01402 Vilnius

Closing date has passed.

Short description

BEROC-IPM School of Economics and Business (BISEB), a branch of the European Humanities University, invites qualified cleaning service providers to submit proposals for regular cleaning services at its 550 square meter premises in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The services will be provided from January 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026. Detailed information regarding the scope of work, requirements, and selection criteria can be found in the attached documents.

For any questions regarding the announcement, please contact:

For any questions regarding the technical issues, please contact: tel: +370 673 88676,

Deadline for submitting a commercial offer: 2024-12-19

List of attachments:
Annex 1. Cleaning services_Technical Specifications and Requirements
Annex 2. Cleaning services_Сriteria for Selecting a Supplier

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
Annex 1. Cleaning services_Technical Specifications and Requirements.pdf 278 KB
Annex 2. Cleaning services_Сriteria for Selecting a Supplier.pdf 268 KB

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