HADEA/2023/OP/0005 – Service Contract to Design, Develop, Deliver and Maintain of HERA’s Advanced Technology for Health INtelligence and Action IT System (ATHINA)


02 - Contract notice
Offenes Verfahren
20.12.2023 09:38 (GMT+01:00)
04.07.2023 17:00 (GMT+02:00)


European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), HADEA.A.2 European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), HADEA.A.2
COV2, Place Charles Rogier 16
1210 Brussels

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The tender aims to design, develop, deliver and maintain HERA’s Advanced Technology for Health INtelligence and Action IT system (ATHINA).

Divided in three lots, it will concern:

1. the development and maintenance of ATHINA state-of-the-art backbone, survey module, and public health (PH) and medical countermeasures (MCM) case management module;

2. the functional analysis of the other ATHINA modules on information systems linking, threat assessment, simulation and analytics, and emergency response;

3. the delivery of analytics as managed services on MCM and PH intelligence.

Lot 1

Development and maintenance of ATHINA state-of-the-art backbone, survey module and public health (PH) and medical countermeasures (MCM) case management.

Lot 2

Functional analysis of ATHINA modules on information systems linking, threat assessment, simulation and analytics and emergency response.

Lot 3

Analytics as managed services.

Mercell Germany

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