Development, Consultancy and Support for the Single Resolution Board (SRB) Information Systems (IS) – Time and Means Service Provision


02 - Contract notice
Offenes Verfahren
29.08.2023 10:24 (GMT+02:00)
12.07.2022 16:00 (GMT+02:00)


Single Resolution Board (SRB) Single Resolution Board (SRB)
SRB Procurement
Treurenberg 22
1049 Brussels

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The subject of this call for tenders is development, consultancy and support for the Single Resolution Board (SRB) information systems (IS) – time and means service provision.

Indicatively, it will cover different activities (such as development, support, testing and quality assurance, operations, data management and security) based on a resource-oriented approach (time and means).

Consultancy Services Related to the Conception, Development and Implementation Information Systems (IS)

Consultancy services related to the conception, development and implementation information systems (IS).

Administration and Support of Information Systems and ICT Configurations

Administration and support of information systems and ICT configurations.

Mercell Germany

Part of the Mercell Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of e tender systems and information between buyers and suppliers in the professional market.

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Mercell Germany | Askekroken 11, 0277 OSLO, Norwegen