Tender for an Asset Investment Planning System


05 - Contract notice - utilities
06.04.2022 09:48 (GMT+02:00)
02.05.2022 23:59


Andel Holding A/S Andel Holding A/S
Mikkel Karklinat
Hovedgaden 36
4520 Svinninge

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The tender concerns the procurement of an Asset Investment Planning system based on the CNAIM standard, as Software as a Service. The system is to manage assets related to electrical distribution in Cerius & Radius. The system will support a systematic approach with established calculation principles for tactical and strategic decisions. The process expected to follow in an Asset Investment Planning system is described as follows: - Calculating asset health, criticality, probability of failure and consequence of failure. - Generation of risk overview including monetized risk. - Modelling, optimisation and prioritisation of interventions. - OPEX/CAPEX forecast and creating reinvestment plans. - Validating and executing investment plans.

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