Provision of consultancy services and works supervision for the construction of new tertiary Building 777 located on the CERN site


23.03.2022 16:03 (GMT+01:00)


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Short description

Pavadinimas Provision of consultancy services and works supervision for the construction of new tertiary Building 777 located on the CERN site
Trumpas pirkimo aprašymas CERN intends to place a contract for the provision of consultancy services and works supervision for the construction of new tertiary Building 777 located on the CERN Prevessin site in France, including all design services, such as architectural, structural engineering, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, electricity and building automation and works supervision and contract management. The design phases and tendering of the construction contract are foreseen to take place during 2023-2024 with eventual construction taking place during 2024-2025

Perkančioji organizacija CERN, 108967751

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