RFI (Market Survey) — Digital System for Leasing of Premises/Online Booking


01 - Prior information notice
23.04.2021 10:24 (GMT+02:00)


Asker kommune Asker kommune
Helge Andreas Barring
Katrineåsveien 20
3440 Røyken

Short description

Asker kommune (Asker Municipality) wants to procure a quick and user-friendly digital self-service system for residents and volunteers in Asker Municipality for renting and leasing out of premises. Premises can be meeting rooms, sports halls, different school premises, function rooms, etc. The premises can be owned by Asker Municipality, but also sports clubs and volunteer organisations. Users must be able to quickly and simply: • find and search for suitable premises, • accept terms with digital signing, • open doors belonging to premises with the system, • pay for use of premises in the system or via invoice. Super-users in the municipality must be able to simply and quickly: • distribute fixed times for teams and associations. Municipal employees must also be able to quickly and simply be able to: • find internal premises for employees, • get overview of when different premises are leased out moving forward. Asker kommune (Asker Municipality) wants to procure a quick and user-friendly digital self-service system for residents and volunteers in Asker Municipality for renting and leasing out of premises. Premises can be meeting rooms, sports halls, different school premises, function rooms, etc. The premises can be owned by Asker Municipality, but also sports clubs and volunteer organisations. Users must be able to quickly and simply: • find and search for suitable premises, • accept terms with digital signing, • open doors belonging to premises with the system, • pay for use of premises in the system or via invoice. Super-users in the municipality must be able to simply and quickly: • distribute fixed times for teams and associations. Municipal employees must also be able to quickly and simply be able to: • find internal premises for employees, • get overview of when different premises are leased out moving forward. This RFI is announced in order to collect information from the market about the possibilities. It does not obligate Asker Municipality in any way. Based on responses from the market, the municipality's intention to convene a selection of interested parties to short dialogue meetings. Any future call for tenders will be announced in accordance with rules in PPA and PPR.

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