Open Tender Competition for the Procurement of One 4 x 4 Side Loader


02 - Contract notice
Offenes Verfahren
16.03.2020 09:41 (GMT+01:00)
04.05.2020 12:00


Remiks Husholdning AS Remiks Husholdning AS
Morten Bangås Morten Bangås
Ringvegen 180
9018 Tromsø

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Refuse collection vehicles with a compactor addition and side-loading arm with grip-hook for emptying waste containers from 140 litres to 360 litres, as well as 660 litre containers with comb. The vehicles will be in daily operation in arctic regions in Tromsø, North Norway and vehicles must be adapted accordingly. The addition must be adapted for collecting optical sortable household waste in such a way that the loading and compacting must not result in waste bags being torn apart. The vehicles must be delivered with Euro 6 or higher environmental classification and must be approved for HVO100.

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