Ex-ante publicity notice of framework contract €60 000.01 – Directive threshold: Measuring EIGE’s impact in policy-making


27.12.2019 13:25 (GMT+01:00)
13.01.2020 11:00 (GMT+01:00)


European Institute for Gender Equality European Institute for Gender Equality

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Pavadinimas Ex-ante publicity notice of framework contract €60 000.01 – Directive threshold: Measuring EIGE’s impact in policy-making
Trumpas pirkimo aprašymas The purpose of this procedure is to conclude a Framework Service Contract (FWC) for Measuring EIGE’s impact in policy-making, for a maximum period of four (4) years as of February 2020 (annual renewal).

Under the foreseen contract, all mentions to EIGE and EIGE’s research in the outputs of EU-wide policy-makers, including the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the EU/European Council compositions, the European Economic and Social Committee and European Committee of the Regions, European-wide political parties, Civil Society organisations, EU Agencies will be monitored, analysed and reported to EIGE.

Description of the procedure

This ex-ante publicity is the first stage of the negotiated procurement procedure through which EIGE may award the above-mentioned contract.

All parties interested in providing the services described above should express their interest 400 words maximum, by e-mail, to procurement@eige.europa.eu with the subject reference: EIGE/2019/OPER/15, before 13 January 2020, 12:00 Vilnius time.

Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the minimum of five economic operators directly invited by EIGE.

Tender documents will be sent by e-mail.

This publication constitutes no obligation for EIGE to launch the mentioned procurement procedure.

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas 2020-01-13 12:00

Perkančioji organizacija European Institute for Gender Equality

Nuoroda į šaltinį https://eige.europa.eu/lt/procurement/eige-2019-oper-15

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
ex-ante_notice_0.pdf 29 KB

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