Track Geometry Measurement System (TGMS)


Procurement plan
02.12.2019 15:17 (GMT+01:00)


Banedanmark Banedanmark
Amerika Plads 15
2100 København Ø

Short description

Banedanmark planlægger følgende udbud for 1.kvartal 2020

Udbuds ID: BDK00199

Projektnr: 2019 - 17275

Sidst opdateret: Nov 29, 2019

Projektnavn: Track Geometry Measurement System (TGMS) Udbudstidspunkt: Q1 2020

Udførelsesperiode: Dec 2020 - Dec 2020


Banedanmark intends to procure a Track Geometry Measurement System (TGMS), which can be mounted on a Utility Track Vehicle / Yellow rail maintenance car / Railway maintenance vehicle (Track Utility Vehicle). Ideally, the TGMS can be purchased as a simple off the shelf, plug and play hardware device, with no requirements for on-site or remote access by specially trained personal outside of Banedanmark. The hardware must conform to the EN13848-1 and EN13848-2 standard as well as certain relevant parts of the Danish rail standard BN1-38-6, which sets a few demands stricter than EN13848-1 and EN13848-2. Projektbeskrivelse The timeline below is tentative and subject to change.

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