Printing Services


05 - Contract notice - utilities
Offenes Verfahren
19.11.2019 09:43 (GMT+01:00)
08.01.2020 10:00


Ruter As Ruter As
Anita Eek Vandsemb Anita Eek Vandsemb
Dronningens gate 40, Postboks 1030 Sentrum
0104 Oslo

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Ruter would like to enter into a contract with 1 or 2 permanent collaboration partners within printing posters, maps, booklets, public transport stop info, etc. Both digital print and offset print. Ruter uses posters for campaigns and information at stops and on-board underground trains, buses, trams and vessels. Sunproof or see-through weather resistant material that tolerates sun, rain, drought and freezing temperatures is used at stops.

Mercell Germany

Part of the Mercell Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of e tender systems and information between buyers and suppliers in the professional market.

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Write to us

+47 21 01 88 60
Mercell Germany | Askekroken 11, 0277 OSLO, Norwegen