Armoured SUV Vehicles 2019


03 - Contract award notice
Offenes Verfahren
18.11.2019 09:36 (GMT+01:00)


Utenriksdepartementet Utenriksdepartementet
Olav Jan Hellesøe Olav Jan Hellesøe
Boks 8114 Dep
0032 Oslo

Assignment text

As the employer, the contracting authority is responsible for the personnel safety at all Norwegian foreign stations. A concrete security measure to protect personnel at the foreign stations is armoured vehicles. In this connection, the contracting authority will establish a contract for the purchase of standardised vehicles (SUVs) that are either armoured at the factory or by a conversion company. The armour must be in accordance with European standards. The relevant foreign stations are in areas where the security situation is such that the safety of personnel is considered to be at risk. The vehicles (SUVs) will be utilised in rough terrain and must therefore be able to withstand large loads. A purchase contract will be signed with 1 tenderer for the delivery of 4 VR7 armoured SUVs in 2019. In addition, the contracting authority will have an option to purchase up to an additional 2 B4 armoured vehicles and up to 4 VR7 armoured SUV vehicles.

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