X-Ray Microtomography System


02 - Contract notice
Offenes Verfahren
21.05.2019 09:20 (GMT+02:00)
16.06.2019 15:00


Itä-Suomen yliopisto Itä-Suomen yliopisto
Markku Torvinen Markku Torvinen
Yliopistonranta 1
70210 Kuopio

Closing date has passed.

Short description

A new X-ray microtomography system. The intended system is aimed at varied samples. Among other things, the device is utilized in the following areas: material science (plants, wood products, welded seams, metal products), biomedical research (soft tissue, cartilage, bone, teeth), pharmacy, foodstuff, geology, and 3D printed products. Smallest samples are of size around 1 mm.

Mercell Germany

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