RFI — High Capacity Zero Emission Buses for Routes in Oslo


04 - Vejledende periodisk bekendtgørelse – forsyningsvirksomhed
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24-01-2019 09:41 (GMT+01:00)


Ruter As (Forsyning) Ruter As (Forsyning)
Erik Løvoll
Postboks 1030 Sentrum
N-0104 Oslo
991 609 407

Kort beskrivelse

The aim of this request for information is for Ruter to gain enough insight to be able to assess market maturity to offer high capacity zero emission buses. In order to gain this insight we want feedback, primarily from bus suppliers, on some questions listed in the attached document. The feedback can be taken into account in the work on upcoming bus-tenders in Oslo. Dependent on the quality of the answers and the impression of the maturity on the delivered RFI, Ruter will invite to a one-to-one meeting for a better understanding of the market.

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