Procurement of System Solution for Cost Surveillance of Road Projects, Market Hearing


01 - Forhåndsmeddelelse
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05-12-2018 12:34 (GMT+01:00)


Statens vegvesen Statens vegvesen
Gro Austad Gro Austad
Postboks 6706 Etterstad
0609 Oslo
971 032 081

Kort beskrivelse

Statens vegvesen [the Norwegian Public Roads Administration], as the procurer of a system solution for cost surveillance of road projects, wants to facilitate a well functioning for toll collection, to facilitate a well-functioning market. In 2019, Statens vegvesen [the Norwegian Public Roads Administration] shall carry out a procurement that shall replace the current project financial system. The system must cover all phases in a road project; planning, construction and operation. The objective of the notice is to invite the market to a hearing. Potential tenderers are invited to submit input on the tender documentation in such a way that the quality of the tender documentation is optimised. The anticipated final tender notice regarding the contract will take place by the end of December 2018. The deadline for submitting feedback on the hearing is Friday 14.12.2018 (12:00).

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