Joint Evaluation of the Integrated Solutions model in Kalobeyei, Kenya


02 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse
Begrænset udbud
07-09-2018 10:05 (GMT+02:00)
05-10-2018 14:00


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida Evaluation Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida Evaluation Department
Marianne Vestergaard
Asiatisk Plads 2
1448 København

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Kort beskrivelse

Kenya is host to a large number of refugees from neighboring countries. In Turkana in the north-west part of Kenya, the government of Kenya and its international partners have developed an Integrated Social and Economic Development Programme, a multi-agency collaboration to develop the local economy and provide for refugees residing in Turkana. The programme constitutes a new model for providing protection, assistance and solutions to refugees while also benefitting host communities by promoting self-reliance and development for both refugees and host populations. Denmark and UNHCR is jointly commissioning an evaluation to understand the dynamics and roles of development and humanitarian actors in improving the situation for refugees and host communities in and around Kalobeyei, Turkana. The overall objective of the evaluation is to learn collectively from new models of providing protection, assistance and solutions to refugees and host communities alike.

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