18/05374 - Baltic Pipe – UXO Consultancy and Client Representatives


101 - Varer og tjenesteydelser
17-08-2018 11:24 (GMT+02:00)
22-08-2018 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Energinet GAS TSO A/S Energinet GAS TSO A/S
Helle Junge Barløse Helle Junge Barløse
Tonne Kjærsvej 65
7000 Fredericia

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Contracting Authority wants to purchase UXO consultancy related to a risk mitigation program for the Baltic Pipe project. The scope includes preparation of reactive measures, analysis of existing survey data, consultancy related to UXO survey and inspection, UXO risk sign-off documentation and possible additional services.

The application must be submitted via Energinet’s procurement system, EU-Supply.

To get access to the tender material and to be able to submit your application for prequalification, please register your company/log into EU-Supply.

Please follow this link to be guided to EU-Supply:


Mercell A/S

En del af Mercell, en af Europas ledende aktører inden for formidling af information mellem indkøber og leverandør på det professionelle marked. CVR nr. 25698851


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Mercell A/S | B!NGS
Vesterbrogade 149
, 1620 København V, Danmark