Verification of pricing consequences related to road projects


03 - Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter
Offentligt udbud
18-07-2018 13:14 (GMT+02:00)


Statens vegvesen Statens vegvesen
Kåre Steinsbu Kåre Steinsbu
Postboks 8142 Dep
0033 Oslo
971 032 081


The following three projects are subject to verification: — E18 Krosby — Knapstad, — E39 Stangeland — Sandved, — E39 Renndalen — Staurset. The objective of the contract is to verify the calculated effects from the date of funding, with data collected after the project was opened for a project regarding the assessment of whether or not the projects are achieved the expected / calculated consequences. The National Public Roads Administration, the Directorate of Public Roads, is the Contracting Authority. Further details on the procurement are given in the requirement specifications. The date of the delivery is 10.4.2018. Options: The Contracting Authority has a further option to extend the contract for 2 years (1 + 1 year), thus the total possible contract period is 3 years. The option includes the verification of 3-5 projects for each of the 2 years. Number of tenderers: 1 Further details on the procurement are given in the requirement specifications.

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