Review — Field Development Projects — Norwegian continental shelf


Offentligt udbud
03-07-2018 09:51 (GMT+02:00)
20-08-2018 12:00


Petroleumstilsynet Petroleumstilsynet
Astrid Rygg Johnsen Astrid Rygg Johnsen
Professor Olav Hanssens vei 10, 4021 Stavanger
4003 Stavanger

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

A study is to be carried out of 3 field developments on the Norwegian continental shelf in recent years in order to identify points to be learnt from that are relevant for health, safety and the environment.

A report is to be prepared that identifies the challenges, the reasons behind them and recommendations for improvement measures in all phases of a field development.

It must be possible to use the report for learning and improvements both in the industry and by the authorities.

The study must be completed by 1.6.2019. The project has a cost limit of 3 000 000 NOK.

More information about the procurement's objective and scope of work are included in Annex 1 Requirement Specifications.

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