Plumbing services including material


Offentligt udbud
13-06-2018 09:33 (GMT+02:00)
17-07-2018 12:00


Bodø kommune Bodø kommune
Jan Martin Nyström Jan Martin Nyström
Kongens gate 23
8001 Bodø
972 418 013

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The contracting authority would like to enter into a parallel framework agreement with up to 3 tenderers per municipality (customer) for the procurement of plumbing services.

Tenderers will provide plumbing service assignments for daily operations. The service is to include all the necessary material for carrying out the service assignment.

Material that could also be included in these deliveries are bathroom fittings, shower cabinets, toilets, material for kitchen worktops, etc.

Many of the contracting authority´s projects involve active cooperation with other suppliers who have framework agreements for trade services and/or electrician services.

Construction projects such as new buildings, major alterations or renovations are not covered by the framework agreement.

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