Tender for a Risk Management System


Udbud med forhandling
07-06-2018 09:54 (GMT+02:00)
29-06-2018 12:00


Ørsted Services A/S Ørsted Services A/S
Maria Kannov Maria Kannov
Kraftværksvej 53
7000 Fredericia

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Scope of Services for the tender comprises the service and implementation of an enterprise Risk Management System across Ørsted Wind Power. Ørsted Services A/S is tendering for an Agreement with a Vendor, that can deliver both IT system and supporting services to support a Risk Management System for Ørsted. The vendor must deliver these services meeting the requirements for Ørsted’s Wind Power business unit. However, it is Ørsted’s intention to allow the Solution to be extended and implemented in all of Ørsted’s business units and Shared Service functions in the future, if Ørsted chooses to do so.

Ørsted is tendering for a standard Enterprise Risk Management system, commonly known as ERM, as well as the implementation of such system, with a certain level of customization for meeting the customer requirements.

The preferred solution is to be based on a non on-premise solution.

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