187690 — Car Park Revenue Management


Tildeling af kontrakt uden forudgående offentliggørelse af en udbudsbekendtgørelse i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende
06-06-2018 09:31 (GMT+02:00)


Avinor AS Avinor AS
Linda Gjerde Linda Gjerde
Postboks 150
2061 Gardermoen
985 198 292


Avinor AS 985 198 292 Postboks 150 Gardermoen 2061 Linda Gjerde +47 90056056 linda.gjerde@avinor.no http://www.avinor.no 187690 — Car Park Revenue Management 18/03361 Avinor intends to sign a contract with IDeaS regarding revenue management system (RMS) as software as a Service, for parking business at Oslo Airport. Based on all parking transactions, RMS will help to set the right prices for the right products at the right time. Refers to data-driven tactics and strategies that optimize product availability and price to achieve the highest possible revenue growth. Oslo Airport Gardermoen. Avinor intends to sign a contract with IDeaS regarding revenue management system as software as a Service, for parking business at Oslo Airport. The contract will include following: 1) Fully Automated revenue management solution designed specifically for Airport Car Parking; 2) Strategic Price and Product Optimisation Service; 3) Revenue Opportunity Analysis and Roadmap; 4) Analytics to measure demand forecast and drive optimised pricing and inventory decisions for pre-book business: — airport enterprise solution, — daily automated receipt of Parking transaction level data, — calculation of Unconstrained Demand for each car park, incorporating Uncertainty, — optimisation of Volume and Value of Products based on forecast, pace and trends, — cluster Yielding of car parks, — competitor Price Monitor to report and incorporate competitors pricing in optimisation and decision process, — market Impact Pricing capability, — automated delivery of signature decisions to online selling systems to manage remaining demand and maximise revenue opportunity including; Length of Stay controls Ability to interact and re-publish pricing and control revisions for booking window, — information Manager to prioritise revenue opportunities and tasks for the User, — alerts capability to manage by exception, — suite of reports and KPI measurement, — interactive user interface; dashboard rollup from individual car park to airport, — mobile application, — support model — providing structured ongoing business support, — annual client summit. Value of this contract is estimated to be 300 000 EUR for the contract period, the duration of the contract is 3 years. Suppliers who consider themselves able to deliver the mentioned service, please contact Avinor’s responsible purchaser; Linda Gjerde linda.gjerde@avinor.no If Avinor do not get any inquiries within 10 days from date of the announcement, we will sign a contract with IDeaS. The contract is planned to be signed medio June. The acquisition concerns benefits that only a particular supplier can deliver, and depends on technical reasons, including software and knowledge. Regulations on procurement rules “forskrift om innkjøpsregler i forsyningssektorene” Paragraph 9-3, b) 2 ag 3. 187690 18/03361 — Car Park Revenue Management 2018-05-31 Integrated Decisions and Systems Inc. (IDEAS) 8500 Normandiale Lake Blvd, Suite 1200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55437 Avinor AS Gardermoen 2061 2018-06-05

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:242982-2018:TEXT:EN:HTML

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