Descriptive report on local energy communities


Offentligt udbud
30-05-2018 09:30 (GMT+02:00)
26-06-2018 12:00


Norges Vassdrags- og Energidirektorat (NVE) Norges Vassdrags- og Energidirektorat (NVE)
Kjetil Svangtun Kjetil Svangtun
Middelthunsgate 29
0368 Oslo

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Kort beskrivelse

The Europe Commission's winter package is an attempt to help the energy sector to be more robust, more competitive and adapted to the 21st century. One of many proposals is to allow electricity customers to engage in the energy market, either as an active customer or collectively through an energy community. An energy community must be able to own and operate the network installations, storage and production of electrical energy.

NVE would, thus, like tenders for a report that maps the existing and planned energy communities in Norway, with an examination of the motivation to set-up an energy community. What rights and duties do the energy communities see that they have as network owners and what advantages and disadvantages do the network companies see with energy communities. Compare Norwegian energy communities with energy communities in Europe or other parts of the world and describe how an energy community is regulated in other countries and how this differs from the practice in Norway.

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