Procurement of video infrastructure as a service.


Offentligt udbud
17-05-2018 09:29 (GMT+02:00)
11-06-2018 12:00


Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT
Natalia McParland Natalia McParland
Grev Wedels plass 9
0151 Oslo

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Background and needs:

Difi needs external hosting and operation of video infrastructure and integration with other video conference services in Difi. This involves both operation of Difi's video studio as well as functionality and services for communication with other entities independent of equipment and technology. Difi currently has a video conference system based on Cisco components and a conference bridge system for communication between, amongst others, Cisco and Skype, provided by Videonor. Our video infrastructure consists of VCS/TMS installations and 55 Cisco-videostudio. The operation and maintenance of these is costly and requires a lot of resources and we struggle to maintain competence within a complex discipline that is continually developing. See Annex 1 for further information on the need and the requirements for the service.

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