Framework agreement for IP based Broadcast Infrastructure


Offentligt udbud
15-06-2018 09:23 (GMT+02:00)
11-07-2018 10:00


Tina Claren
Emil Holms Kanal 20
0999 København C

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Through a framework agreement with up to 5 suppliers, DR is planning to purchase the most economically advantageous Deliveries of IP based Broadcast Infrastructure. Awards after the first four deliveries under the Framework Agreement is made based on re-opening the competition in the form of mini tenders, which means putting delivery agreements under the Framework Agreement out to competition once again. The Framework agreement concerns the purchase of IP based Broadcast Infrastructure equipment and services with consultant assistance Deliveries along with optional subsequent service and support of the Deliveries. IP based broadcast infrastructure is needed as a part of a new playout platform in DR and the Deliveries in this tender must operate in close connection and harmony with a variety of other systems and services in DR (as specified in appendices).

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