Statsbyggs BIM-manual 2.0 [the Directorate of Public Construction and Property’s BIM Manual 2.0] Further Development — Consultancy Services.


Offentligt udbud
03-05-2018 09:28 (GMT+02:00)
04-06-2018 12:00


Statsbygg Statsbygg
Olav B. Myhre Olav B. Myhre
Biskop Gunnerus' gate 6
0032 Oslo

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Kort beskrivelse

Statsbygg [the Directorate of Public Construction and Property] requests tenders for the following consultant assignment:

Statsbygg’s [the Directorate of Public Construction and Property’s] BIM Manual 2.0 further development, Consultancy Services.

The Directorate of Public Construction and Property BIM Manual 2.0 is a collective terms on the next generation’s requirements and validation of BIM models. The manuals has been under development for some years, and the requirements for the 4 main disciplines, ARK, RIB, RIE and RIV [Architect, Consulting Fire Engineer, Consulting Electrical Engineer and Consulting HVAC Engineer] is ready for testing. A tool for automatic validation has also been developed. The next phase will involve testing the requirement settings and validation tool, further development of these and to put a good interface in place for handling and reporting of requirements. See the performance description for a more detailed description of the different modules and how the work is thought to progress.

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