Project management services for the Norwegian National museum “2020 opening project"


Offentligt udbud
28-03-2018 09:20 (GMT+02:00)
27-04-2018 15:00


Stiftelsen Nasjonalmuseet for kunst Stiftelsen Nasjonalmuseet for kunst
Ole Henrik Brinchmann-Hansen Ole Henrik Brinchmann-Hansen
Kristian Augusts gate 23
0130 Oslo
985 686 092

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Norwegian National museum of Art, Architecture and Design is hereby tendering for a framework agreement for procurement of project management and project assistance services. The services are to be given in connection with the opening of a new museum building. The supplier will be involved in necessary activities related to replanning, implementation and conclusion of the opening project.

Mercell A/S

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