New municipal homepages for the Værnes region c/o the municipalities of Frosta, Meråker, Selbu, Stjørdal and Tydal.


Udbud med forhandling
24-02-2018 09:16 (GMT+01:00)
23-03-2018 12:00


Stjørdal kommune Stjørdal kommune
Kjetil Nyborg Kjetil Nyborg
Kjøpmannsg. 9
7500 Stjørdal
939 958 851

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The municipalities in the Værnes regional shall procure new homepages as a link in their dialogue with residents, industry and other parties. A digital revolution is happening where the residents and industry need to be central for the development of the digital community.

In line with our vision ‘Digital first choice — Open, comprehensive and inclusive’ the homepages shall be an important link in strengthening contact and dialogue with residents and the municipality, as well as part of the municipality’s information boards. The municipalities also have their own visions and strategies, that a common portal solution must take into consideration.

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