Development and the possible purchase of 3 new innovative All Weather Rescue Boats for the Danish Coastal Rescue Service


05-02-2018 08:34 (GMT+01:00)


The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO)
Mia Bjerring Birkebæk Mia Bjerring Birkebæk
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

Opgaven er annulleret

Kort beskrivelse

DALO wishes to procure 3 All Weather Rescue Boats (AWRB) that are capable of performing Search and Rescue operations in any type of weather in the seas of the North West Denmark.

The AWRBs shall live up to new and increasing demands for greater flexibility, better sea maneuverability, greater speed, bollard pull and personal safety.

A new larger AWRB that is still conforming to the strict requirements for vessels for the Danish Coastal Rescue Service leads to a vessel design, that today is simply not on the market and DALO forsees that it is necessary to use new and innovative solutions in the design. DALO wishes to enter into an Innovation Partnership with a signle Supplier that is able to design and build the vessels.

The procurement includes, in addition to the build process, an Innovation and Development Process where the Supplier will, in a partnership with DALO, design and qualify a vessel design that incorporates all the operational requirements for a Danish SAR-vessel.

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