A knowledge base on the Cultural School


Udbud med forhandling
26-01-2018 09:20 (GMT+01:00)
22-02-2018 12:00


Utdanningsdirektoratet Utdanningsdirektoratet
Mads Aure Mads Aure
Schweigaardsgate 15b
0135 Oslo

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Kort beskrivelse

A knowledge base on the cultural schools shall be procured. The knowledge base shall give an overview of the field empirically and discuss findings in light of other research and knowledge of the field.

The project shall contribute to providing an overview of what opportunities the cultural schools offer in the municipalities, how the work is organised and what target groups the offer is directed toward. Furthermore, it will be important to identify what challenges and possibilities the municipality faces in this field. It is also desirable to have knowledge about what contributions the cultural schools provide to the municipalities’ other cultural activities.

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