1017005 Oslo prison Ward A. Renovation of roofs, H001 the contracting authority's representative


Offentligt udbud
17-01-2018 09:18 (GMT+01:00)
19-02-2018 12:00


Statsbygg Statsbygg
Frode Aamodt Frode Aamodt
Biskop Gunnerus' gate 6
0032 Oslo

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Directorate of public construction and property[Statsbygg] requests, in connection with project.

Nº: 1017005.

Project name: Oslo prison, ward A, renovation works for roofs,

Requests tenders for builder's representative services and safety, health and work environment coordinator services for the execution stage (KU) of the project:

Oslo prison, ward A, (referred to as Botsen) is no longer a prison and the ward is currently empty. The condition of the roof structures is generally poor.

The project includes approx. 4.500 m2 roofs subject to renovation/restoration. The project shall be executed in 2 stages.

The contracting authority is Statsbygg.

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