A contract for a new security building for St. Olavs Hospital, a turnkey contract with solution proposal.


Udbud med forhandling
21-11-2017 09:18 (GMT+01:00)
18-12-2017 12:00


Sykehusbygg HF Sykehusbygg HF
Lillian Slåtsve Lillian Slåtsve
Klæbuveien 118
7031 Trondheim
814 630 722

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The assignment includes further development of a concept stage through the interaction/preliminary project (referred to as ‘the Preliminary Project Stage’), followed by detailed engineering design/construction (referred to as the ‘Execution Stage’) for a New Security Building. The current activity at Brøset in Trondheim shall be transferred to the new building. The project shall provide the organisation with premises that ensure good and socio-economically effective treatment. The building shall make it possible to continually develop services offered to the patients and treatment with other sections of the health service. The building shall be constructed on a new site in Østmarka, directly south of the current psychiatric hospital. For further information refer to part II of the tender documentation.

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