Running the personnel canteen in Statens Hus, the County Governor in Telemark, Skien.


Offentligt udbud
26-10-2017 09:31 (GMT+02:00)
24-11-2017 10:00


Telemark fylkeskommune Telemark fylkeskommune
Karl Petter Kristiansen Karl Petter Kristiansen
Fylkesbakken 6
3715 Skien
940 192 226

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Running the personnel canteen in Statens Hus, the County Governor in Telemark, Skien. The competition is for a contract for running a canteen in Statens Hus, the County Governor in Telemark. The contract value is estimated to: 600 000 NOK excluding VAT, per annum. The County Governor in Telemark is the coordinator for running the canteen in Statens Hus. There are 6 departments in Statens Hus that are connected to the canteen, approx. 200 employees. The canteen has premises in the basement in building E in Statens Hus. See part 2a, requirement specifications, for further information.

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