Cleaning services for the Director of Public Prosecutions and Oslo Regional Public Prosecution Offices.


Offentligt udbud
06-09-2017 09:21 (GMT+02:00)
22-09-2017 12:00


Riksadvokatembetet/ Den Høyere Påtalemyndighet Riksadvokatembetet/ Den Høyere Påtalemyndighet
Stig Etnestad Stig Etnestad
Stortorget 2
0030 Oslo
971 524 758

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The contract includes cleaning of offices. The contract shall be entered into with one service provider.

The Director of Public Prosecutions (address: Stortorvet 2) has an office area of 1 183 m2 divided into 2 floors.

The Oslo Regional Public Prosecution offices (Universitetsgaten 7) have 2 offices at disposal of which each floor has an area of approx. 1 250. The total area is approx. 2 500 m2.

Please note:

The Oslo Regional Public Prosecution offices shall be relocated during autumn 2018. The new address is Pilestredet 27, Oslo. The new area at disposal is approx. 2 700 m2, diveded between 1,250 m2 in the 3rd floor and approx. 1 450 m2 in the 4th floor.

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