Electronic quality assurance support system.


Offentligt udbud
19-08-2017 09:17 (GMT+02:00)


Nord universitet Nord universitet
Robin Solås Robin Solås
Postboks 1490
8049 Bodø
970 940 243


Nord universitet 970 940 243 Postboks 1490 Bodø 8049 Robin Solås +47 75517508 robin.solas@nord.no http://nord.no Electronic quality assurance support system. NORD-0005-17 The procurement of ISO 9001 based on electronic support system for ensuring uniform and overall quality assurance services at Nord University. 735000 Nord University shall establish a joint quality assurance system for an overall quality management internally in the organisation. The procured quality assurance system shall be a part of our Intranet system in SharePoint Office 365. The system must be sufficient resilient to manage the university's 1 300 employees and approx. 13 000 students. The quality assurance system shall manage process descriptions, steering documents, liabilities and functions, annual wheel planning, management of incidents and risk control. If required, Nordland Research Institute shall have the option to enter into the contract for the procurement of an identical system. See the separate annex regarding Nordland Research Institute. 2017/S 074-144126 2017-06-27 1 1 SIMPLI Software AS 989 298 291 Meierisvingen 2c Asker 1383 735000 Visma notice: https://opic.com/id/afojnrjrkc. Nord universitet Bodø 1490 +47 75517508 robin@solaas.nl The waiting period is 10 days from the publication of the contract award. Nord universitet Bodø robin.solas@nord.no 2017-08-18

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:328111-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML

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