Storage equipment and service for DALO


Begrænset udbud
08-02-2018 09:10 (GMT+01:00)
05-09-2017 13:00


Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization
Charlotte Jensen Charlotte Jensen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

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Kort beskrivelse

Storage equipment and service for DALO at DALOs storage facilities.

DALO have different sizes of storage heated or cold containing pallet racks, cantilever racking, and multi-purpose shelving, ranging in size from 50 square meters up to more than 10 000 m², with height from 4 m up to 10 m.

DALO storages are spread across Denmark, in Jutland, Fynen, Bornholm and Zealand. Please see details for location of DALO storage facilities in Appendix A.1 to the contract.

DALO requires suppliers within 3 lots:

— Lot 1: pallet racks, storage equipment and accessories,

— Lot 2: automated small parts vertical storage solution, and

— Lot 3: INSTA services and repairs.

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