Independent inspections (building matter).


Offentligt udbud
11-07-2017 10:27 (GMT+02:00)
30-08-2017 12:00


Oppegård Kommune Oppegård Kommune
Kine Gustafsson Eide Kine Gustafsson Eide
Kolbotnveien 30
1411 Kolbotn

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Oppegård municipality (the contracting authority) shall in the next few years invest approx 1 200 000 NOK in new buildings, development and adaptation of the building portfolio. The major parts of the assignments includes new buildings, and the projects will have different organisation of contract and contract forms The investment budgets always depend on the annual grants and the total volume can vary in the contract period.

As a result of the planned investment, the contracting authority therefore requires framework agreements for independent inspections of building applications (cf. the Building application regulations §14-1 and §14-2).

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