A fire engine for Alta kommune [Alta municipality].


Udbud med forhandling
09-01-2018 09:18 (GMT+01:00)
17-01-2018 16:00


Alta kommune Alta kommune
Tina Hoaas Tina Hoaas
Postboks 1403
9506 Alta
944 588 132

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Alta municipality shall procure a new fire engine. This competition has previously been announced several times. An error was made in the last competition which meant that the contracting authority had to cancel the competition. Three tenders were received in this competition, none of the tenders were opened. The tenderers were informed that they could abide by their tender if they wanted, it was not necessary to submit a new tender.

If a tenderer submitted a tender in the previous competition and would like to abide by it for this competition, please send written notification to the executive officer.

In accordance with the public procurement regulations, § 20-4 (3) cf. § 20-3 (4) the deadline for submitting a tender has been shortened. This competition has been both announced as a prior information notice and the previous competition was cancelled. The terms for a shortened deadline are, therefore, deemed to be fulfilled.

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