Resource Sourcing Services Agreement.


Udbud med forhandling
26-05-2017 09:32 (GMT+02:00)
26-06-2017 12:00


DONG Energy Oil & Gas A/S DONG Energy Oil & Gas A/S
Jesper Hornstrup Dahl Jesper Hornstrup Dahl
Kraftværksvej 53
7000 Fredericia

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The purpose of the Tender for a Resource Sourcing Services agreement, is to enter into an agreement with 1 supplier of consultant brokering services. The Resource Sourcing Services agreement will be the primary tool to source consultancy assistance (projects, cover for vacant positions and technology experts) across all IT sub-categories in DONG Energy.

The Resource Sourcing Services agreement will be with 1 supplier and structured as a service agreement. This entails that the agreement will contain a governance structure and a service level agreement. In order to ensure competitive prices, the agreement will include an incentive structure and requirements to full transparency.

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