Invitation to participate in tender competition for work on railway capacity


Begrænset udbud
11-05-2017 08:22 (GMT+02:00)
07-06-2017 10:00 (GMT+02:00)


Kristian Jørgen Gythfeldt Kristian Jørgen Gythfeldt
Postboks 16 sentrum
0101 Oslo
916 810 962

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Evalueringsmatriser til utfylling leverandører.pdf 165 KB
Oppdragsavtale %28SSA-O%29 utfylte bilag 2017.pdf 275 KB
Oppdragsavtale %28SSA-O%29 utfylte bilag 2017.docx 52 KB
Bistandsavtale %28SSA-B%29 Utfylte bilag 2017.pdf 511 KB
Bistandsavtale %28SSA-B%29 Utfylte bilag 2017.docx 49 KB
Guidance Appendicies to SSA-R.pdf 627 KB
Evalueringsmatriser til utfylling leverandører.xlsx 57 KB
Evaluation that supplier shall fill out.xlsx 58 KB
Evaluation that supplier shall fill out.pdf 167 KB
Appendix to SSA-O.pdf 359 KB
Appendix to SSA-O.docx 51 KB
Appendix to SSA-B %28The Norwegian Goverment%27s Standard Terms and Conditions for Consultancy Assistance%29.pdf 601 KB
Appendix to SSA-B %28The Norwegian Goverment%27s Standard Terms and Conditions for Consultancy Assistance%29.docx 49 KB
Rammeavtale %28SSA-R%29 utfylte bilag 2017 .docx 61 KB
Rammeavtale %28SSA-R%29 utfylte bilag 2017 .pdf 615 KB
SSA-B Standard agreement for consultans.pdf 604 KB
SSA-O 2015 Goverment%27s Standard Terms and Conditions for Consultancy s.pdf 642 KB
SSA-R 2015 Goverments Standard Terms and Contitions for framework agreement.pdf 552 KB
Konkurransegrunnlag begrenset anbudskonkurransegrunnlag.pdf 534 KB
Tender document.pdf 699 KB
Invitation for qualification.pdf 906 KB
espd-request.xml 169 KB
espd-request.pdf 98 KB

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