Consultant(s) for Norwegian participation in OECD's work groups for territorial indicators (WPTI).


Udbud med forhandling
14-04-2017 09:39 (GMT+02:00)
12-05-2017 12:00


Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet
Vidar Jensen Vidar Jensen
Postboks 8112 Dep
0032 Oslo
972 417 858

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

KMD will enter into agreement with an organisation that offers a specific representative for Norwegian authorities in OECD's work group for territorial indicators (WPTI) and a specific reserve. Both the specific representative and the reserve should be researchers or have research competence.

Norway participates in OECD's work with regional development through ‘The Territorial Development Policy Committee’. TDPC has established three work groups, 1 for rural questions, 1 for urban questions and 1 for indicators, statistics and data. ‘The Working Party on Territorial Indicators’ contributed with statistics and analyses to the different work groups.

Assistance occurs primarily in 7 different arenas. These are:

1. Data capture, system and indicator development.

2. Meeting participation.

3. Questionnaires (new assignment).

4. Article writing and written contributions.

5. Commenting and evaluation of analyses, reports and proposals.

6. Contribute to and presentation in KMD.

7. Options — contract extension and professional expansion.

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